Product Mappings CSV Format

Using a simplified CSV format, you can import specified product mappings from your ERP's source codes to Determination product categories. The Product Mappings import file applies only to existing products—those you created in Determination, or those you uploaded with Import/Export.

For information about using CSV format files, see Best Practices for Importing Data with CSV Files.

Traditionally, a product mapping maps your ERP codes to a product in the Determination product tree. This requires specifying the entire product path, which is cumbersome and error-prone. If you wish, you can map a commodity code directly to a product code. See Commodity Mappings CSV Format.

US and Non-US Product Mappings Files

The sdiType value depends on whether the file contains US product mappings or Non-US product mappings.

  • For US zones, use sdiType=ProductMappings-US.
  • For non-US zones, use sdiType=ProductMappings-INTL.

In both cases, the file format is the same.

Product Mappings File Format

SDITYPE=ProductMappings-US or ProductMappings-INTL

Column Name





varchar2(100) (See Description)


The full path of an existing product exception in dot notation (parent.child.childs-child). Note that the length of 100 refers to an individual level of the path, not the entire path length.




The source code passed in from your ERP system.

ProductCodeType varchar2(15) Y

Identifies the type of Product Code.

  • If using an International Asset Number (EAN) in the Product Code field, enter EAN in this field.

    An EAN code is used in the calculation of Brazil Pauta Fiscal for the ICMS-ST tax treatment.

  • If using a non-EAN product code in the Product Code field, leave the field blank.
ProductCodeDesc varchar2(250) N Optional free-text description of the ProductCode.
StartDate mm/dd/yyyy Y The date (mm/dd/yyyy) on which the product mapping becomes active.
EndDate mm/dd/yyyy N The date (mm/dd/yyyy) on which the product mapping terminates. If left blank, the mapping does not automatically end.




Indicates whether the Product Mapping data applies to a Custom Product (Y) or a Tax Data Provider Product (N).

Example Product Mappings File

This file creates two product mappings each for two product categories.

  1. sdiType=ProductMappings-US

  2. ProductPath,ProductCode,ProductCodeType,ProductCodeDesc,

  3. Office Supplies.Paper.Recycled,RE500PK12,EAN,,09/01/2015,,Y

  4. Office Supplies.Paper.Recycled,RE500PK24,EAN,,09/10/2015,,Y

  5. Office Supplies.Furniture.Desks,ZZDSK25A,,,08/05/2015,,Y

  6. Office Supplies.Furniture.Desks,ZZDSK30A,EAN,,09/03/2015,,Y

For more information about formatting a CSV file, see Creating CSV Import Files.For information about formatting a CSV file to map commodity groups, see Commodity Mappings CSV Format.

Product Mappings Import Prerequisites

You need to import or create any desired product categories on the target system before importing product mappings data with the Import Wizard.

Product Mappings Import Options

When importing product mappings, the Import Wizard prompts for:

  • Company Selection: Select the desired company.
  • Product Group Selection: Select the desired Product Group.
  • Product Mapping Group Selection: Select the desired Product Mapping Group.